Welcome to Dennis Potter's Website Of Original Songs
Since teaming up we have had a busy 4 years. We have released several songs, classical music tracks and made a documentary. We have been commissioned by charities to provide their own songs and have recently had a song we wrote for Rochester Cathedral performed by MJPraise and the Seasons Choir at the cathedral.
If you would like a song created for you, please go to "Who We Are" and contact us. We love to be creative and bring to life people's/organisations' aims and philosophies.
Please click on the More Info box below .....
Dennis Potter has been writing, composing the music and performing his original songs since 2011. These are of the romance genre and can be heard at Reverbnation (https://www.reverbnation.com/dennispotter).
Since 2017 Dennis has teamed up with Sue Plummer who has written lyrics for the most recent songs. This successful partnership has produced new songs of the romance genre plus classical music scores. These songs and music scores can be purchased/streamed at reverbnation Dennis Potter, spotify, deezer, Apple music, tidal.
Our beautiful cover picture for this website and our Fledgling Love, The Fox and Him Me And You albums were designed by talented artist Samantha Lambert. The artwork for Martha was created by artist James Doyle. Click on the More Info button below for further details .....


Dennis Potter email: dtagg85@yahoo.co.uk
Sue Plummer email: SusanEPlummer@aol.com
Ranscombe Studios : https://ranscombestudios.com
DW Studios: www.dwstudios.co.uk
Location: Rochester, Kent, UK.